Making books cross the final frontiers

English / Englisch

The Disturbance

The Disturbance

No one has ever ventured deeper into space than the four astronauts of Shepherd-1. The aim of their mission: to witness the creation of the cosmos. Using the sun as a lens, they are to align a flock of probes in such a way that the moment of the Big Bang becomes visible.

For astronomer Christine, this is a dream come true. So she is bitterly disappointed when the first images are obscured by a kind of veil that prevents any insight. She works obsessively to find a solution, but when she finally succeeds in lifting the veil, she sees something that would have better been kept hidden…

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The Arrival

The Arrival

On New Year's eve 2022, unknown flying objects appear over Europe and ignite an inferno of violence among themselves. Debris from one of the spacecraft falls on Athens, turning the city center into a smoking crater.

The destroyed remnant of the former metropolis is declared a restricted zone by NATO forces and sealed off. Amidst the few survivors struggling for food, medicine, and clean water, Nikos takes care of his girlfriend Maria, only to soon find out that to avert a creeping death, there is only one way out of the hell of Athens—the wreckage of the alien ship.

At the same time, a special forces team is sent on an impossible mission, as NATO's European Command has evidence that another spaceship has landed in the jungles of Africa and its Alien crew appears to still be alive...

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Colony Two Mars

Colony Two Mars

14,99 €eBook: 3,99 €
Series: Colony Mars, Book 2
Genre: Science Fiction
Tag: English / Englisch

Dr. Jann Malbec, die einzige Überlebende der verunglückten ISA-Mission, ist auf dem Mars gestrandet. Da sie von der Erde als gefährlich eingestuft ist, kann sie keine Hoffnung auf eine Rückkehr nach Hause mehr hegen. Sie ist allein und isoliert und ist kurz davor, aufzugeben.

Bis ein anderer Mensch in der Hauptluftschleuse der Kolonie auftaucht. Der Besucher ist entkräftet und stirbt in ihren Armen, ohne das Bewusstsein wiederzuerlangen. Seltsam: außer ihr dürfte auf dem Mars niemand mehr leben. Noch beunruhigender ist, dass ein DNS-Test ihn als einen Kolonisten identifiziert, der bereits einige Jahre zuvor gestorben ist – so unmöglich das auch sein mag.

Es gibt nur einen Ort, von dem er gekommen sein kann: aus der aufgegebenen Mine auf der anderen Seite des Jezero-Kraters, Kolonie Zwei. Ein Außenposten, von dem sie annahm, er sei längst tot. Aber wenn es der Besucher bis zu ihr geschafft hat, sind vielleicht noch andere am Leben?

Wenn sie es genauer wissen will, hat Jann keine andere Wahl, als die gefährliche Reise durch den Krater anzutreten. Denn wenn sie nicht bald Antworten findet, besteht ihre einzige Zukunft darin, allein auf dem Mars zu sterben.

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Sol in Flames

Sol in Flames

$ 14.99eBook: $ 2.99

In the 23rd century there is only turmoil. Large corporations have established numerous colonies in the solar system, exploiting it with their never ending hunger for resources. To survive the hostile environment in space and on a largely devastated Earth, the corporations breed genetically modified workers - disdainfully called 'mutants'.

When mutant children are found on Mars that appear to have been born naturally, the long-believed fact that mutants cannot reproduce is exposed as a lie. Chaos and war seem to be inevitable.

Kareena Toran, security officer on Mars, tries to fight the collapse of her homeworld by uncovering the truth behind the alleged mutant-babies. On Earth, beta-class mutant Skip gets n trouble when he starts to stand up for the rights of his fellow mutants who get into the crosshairs of the ruthless corporate armies. At the end of his and Kareenas struggle lies either a brighter future for mankind or an endless war that will devour them all.

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Balance of Power

Balance of Power

$ 16.99eBook: $ 4.99

After her return to Mars, Kareena Toran finds herself in deep trouble. Someone is out for her life. She must face the unknown adversary alone, because she fears that members of her own corporation are involved in the attack. As she searches for those responsible, the lines between friend and foe become blurred.

Skip and the Protectorate are not coming to rest either. Internal power struggles divide the leadership of the insurgents. But danger also threatens the newly formed mutant nation from the outside. New enemies appear out of nowhere, and even the Omega warriors seem to be no match for them.

A maelstrom of violence and political schemes erupts in the solar system and threatens to claim millions of victims.

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The Jovian War

The Jovian War

$ 14.99eBook: $ 4.99

On Jupiter and its moons, the mutants and their allies try to escape persecution by hiding in the shadows of Sol. But peace in the Jovian system does not last long: A series of attacks shakes the protectorate. Old enemies rise from a new and threaten to destroy the hard-won new homeland.

Kareena's path also leads to Jupiter. In order to bring the killers of her parents and her lover to justice, she must once again fight alongside the mutant nation. On Jupiter's moon Kallisto the all-decisive battle erupts. Who can stand their ground and who will be dragged into the abyss?

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